Reply To: What are some important workplace etiquette tips to keep in mind when working in the UK?

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Hi Majdi,
  • Unless it's a well ventilated space, don't eat foods that smell strongly in the office (fish, curry, eggs etc).
  • If you're in the office, be aware of signals that show someone might not want to be interrupted - headphones in, sitting separately from everyone else etc.
  • If you're working remotely and need to speak to someone, drop them a message to check if they are free before calling.
  • Be on time for meetings, and message if you are going to be late. British people are very punctual.
  • Ask before you borrow things - even if it's just a pen.
  • 'Please' and 'thank you' are really important to us Brits!
Finally, if you aren't sure, or you don't understand something, just ask. Most people are happy to help, and we're good at laughing at ourselves if we realise our customs are somewhat ridiculous!