Breaking Barriers is committed to protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect and for their views, wishes and beliefs to be fully taken into account when deciding action.
We understand that our clients may trust us with information or disclosures about experiences of abuse, and we will act to be prepared to support our clients access justice and live safely.
We understand that Breaking Barriers’ clients may be ‘adults at risk’, as defined in The Care Act 2014, and taking into account their choice, consent and capacity to make decisions, we may seek support from other agencies in order to protect their rights.
Our safeguarding commitments
Breaking Barriers will:
Prevent abuse
- Promote the rights of all people to live free from abuse and coercion
- Assess risk and manage services in a way which promotes safety and prevents abuse
- Empower our clients to keep themselves safe
- Recruit staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
- Provide mandatory, high quality training, support and guidance to enable staff and volunteers to recognise indicators of abuse and neglect and respond to them.
Respond to abuse
- Respond consistently and effectively to any circumstance giving grounds for concern
- Provide clear and effective mechanisms to respond to formal complaints
- Promote the freedom and dignity of the person who has/is perceived to have experienced or is experiencing abuse
- Ensure the safety and wellbeing of people who do not have the capacity to decide how they want to respond to abuse that they are experiencing
- Respect the human rights of clients
- Consult clients on this policy
- Support and advise staff and volunteers appropriately if they are accused of abuse