Man and women chatting at desk

Our impact

Find out more about the impact of our programmes

Our impact
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Why we measure impact

Impact measurement is a vital part of Breaking Barriers’ model. We evaluate our programmes using a variety of metrics to ensure that they are as effective and evidence-based as possible.

We gather data from the refugees we work with (also known as ‘clients’) on when they enter into employment or achieve other career-related goals (what we refer to as ‘outcomes’ data). We also record the sector, seniority and duties of clients’ new roles to understand whether clients are entering into jobs that align with their goals and interests.

In addition, we ask clients to assess their own progress and provide feedback on our programmes using a selection of impact surveys. Through these surveys, we can understand how our programmes help clients build their confidence, develop knowledge of their preferred sector, and enhance their employability skills. This helps us understand our impact on those clients who have not yet achieved their employment goals.

Since it all began in 2015...

Data is accurate up until May 2023 - the end of our financial year

  • 2319

    We've supported 2,319 refugees and people of refugee background

  • 1905

    The clients we support have achieved 1,905 employment, education and volunteering outcomes

Our 2022-23 impact

Data is accurate up until May 2023 - the end of our financial year

  • 1104

    refugees supported (more than any previous year)

  • 610

    education, employment and volunteering outcomes achieved (more than any previous year)

  • 256

    new jobs started by refugees

  • 9785

    hours of support delivered (more than any previous year)

  • 389

    volunteers supported us

  • 405

    We delivered 405 education classes, attended by 287 clients - 70% more than last year

  • 90 %

    of clients reported improved confidence in achieving their goals

  • 83 %

    of clients said they now have better chances of finding a role

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Our best year yet!

A huge thank you to every one who refers refugees to us for employment support, partners with us to create meaningful employment opportunities, volunteers time, donates money, or supports our work in any other way. We wouldn't have had our best year yet without you.

View our latest impact report

Who we’re supporting

Soon you will have access to a dashboard to explore how many clients we supported in different locations and their demographic data from our last financial year. Watch this space!