
Find out what we've been up to, and discover first-hand stories from refugees, volunteers and our partners


‘A New Beginning’ Private View

Wednesday 3rd October marked the launch of our annual exhibition ‘A New Beginning’ which highlights the dreams and challenges faced by refugees in the UK and a celebration of friendship. Co-curated by Rebecca McClelland and Breaking…


Refugee Week 2018: #3 Share a refugee story

We kicked off Refugee Week this morning with a welcome video for those coming to the UK. This year is extra special as it marks 20 years of Refugee Week. #simpleacts is the campaign we’re getting involved with to show…


Refugees of London: Yohana

We had the pleasure of interviewing Yohana from our BB Futures programme about her “dream job” and the barriers she faced to employment. Yohana, originally from Eritrea, is currently on placement at Mayer Brown working as a CSR Assistant. …