Young man in black jumper stood in front of City of London skyline

Impact report: June 2021 – May 2022

This report details the progress we're making towards our three-year strategy as well as key impact statistics across our reach, our support for clients, and client outcomes, as well as showcasing stories from clients we've supported and how they feel it's impacted them.


Impact report FY 21-22 (PDF, 2.78MB)
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Breaking Barriers is now in its seventh year of operation, and we’ve grown from a small group of people sitting around a kitchen table to a £3 million organisation employing nearly 70 people. We now work with hundreds of volunteers across three major cities, and most importantly we’ve supported over 1,800 refugees and people of refugee background since our inception.

The full impact report details our progress against our three-year strategy and our six strategic aims as well as our in-year impact working directly with our clients and some of their stories in more detail. Here are the highlights:

Our reach and support

  • 623

    clients were supported in this financial year

  • 3432

    hours of that support was one-to-one employment advice and guidance. A 20% increase on last year

  • 401

    education classes were delivered, including English language, IT and employability skills

  • 288

    volunteers offered amazing support, with 63 of these clocking up 430 hours of one-to-one support

  • 19

    corporate partners offered jobs to our clients or supported them with work opportunities and training

  • 130

    clients attended employability workshops with our corporate partners

Our clients, their achievements and feedback

  • 63

    That's the number of different countries of origin our clients are from

  • 50 %

    of our clients had an undergraduate degree and 20% had a postgraduate degree

  • 82 %

    are able to speak English independently, with 50% at a proficient level

  • 82 %

    were unemployed when enrolling with Breaking Barriers

  • 223

    clients completed their support with Breaking Barriers in this year

  • 51 %

    of those started a job, qualification, training course or volunteering opportunity

  • 92 %

    felt more or much more motivated to meet their goals

  • 84 %

    reported better or much better chances of finding a job role