
Hammersmith Delivery Centre – Supporting more refugees in London

We look forward reopening the doors at Hammersmith and welcoming our clients back. 


Breaking Barriers

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We are celebrating at a distance as it has been just over one year since we opened the doors to our Hammersmith Delivery Centre to support more refugees in London. 

When we opened our doors in March 2019, we knew we could reach more refugees in London and provide them with bespoke employment support. Since opening the Hammersmith centre in March last year we have supported an amazing 136 clients. 99 of these clients were completely new to Breaking Barriers, while the rest were able to receive support closer to their homes. 

We are proud to share this report on the huge success of the Hammersmith Delivery Centre. We would like to thank Big Yellow and Hammersmith and Fulham Council who have helped make this centre possible. 

We look forward reopening the doors at Hammersmith and welcoming our clients back. 

Click here to view and download our Hammersmith Delivery Centre Report – A Year of Impact