I’ve been struggling to secure my desired role for several months now. Should I consider accepting a less appealing position to gain work experience? On average, how long does it take to find a new job? Can you share your personal experience with job searching? 

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    • #8251 0 Likes | Like it

        My name is Luiba, I’m 22 years old and from Ukraine. I moved to Manchester a year ago.

        My question is: I’ve been struggling to secure my desired role for several months now. Should I consider accepting a less appealing position to gain work experience? On average, how long does it take to find a new job? Can you share your personal experience with job searching?


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      • #8434 0 Likes | Like it
        Ciara Devlin

          Everyone’s personal experience of job searching is just that, personal. It’s different for everyone, it can take a short time for some, and for others much longer. It can also be a very stressful, uncertain time, especially if you are struggling to secure the role you desire and deserve, at the level you want.

          Sometimes accepting a less appealing position to gain work experience can be a sensible approach, especially if financially you’re not in a position to keep searching. However, it’s also important to consider those roles if the employer has a good reputation, as it might lead to better opportunities and/or will open up new contacts/networks for you.

          If you do opt to take a less appealing position, try not to get stuck. Keep on job hunting, perhaps seeking opportunities within the company you are in, and building up your networks.

        • #8456 0 Likes | Like it

            It’s can make sense to take a lower job position when the trade-offs work for your personal situation. Evaluate the potential for growth and advancement within the company. While the initial position may be lower, consider whether there are opportunities for advancement based on your performance and skills. Assess the potential for learning and development in the role. Even if the position is lower, if it offers opportunities to learn new skills, gain experience in a different industry or market, build a network or expand your knowledge base, it could be a valuable step in your career. If you get asked about it in the future, I’d refer to it as taking a position that would allow you to get established in the UK. This puts a positive spin on it.

          • #8458 0 Likes | Like it
            Stefano Casalotti

              I am a lecturer in university and I would certainly recommend taking up a position at a lower level within academia. For example if you were a lecturer in your own country, taking a role as research assistant would allow you to get to know people and be active in your field until the right job for you comes up.  I am not sure if this is true in other fields, but certainly in academia all experience is cumulative and you do not have to re-climb the ladder step by step if you temporarily take a job a few steps down. If anything, it is length of time you are inactive that would be most detrimental.

            • #8461 0 Likes | Like it

                Its worth looking into why this could be the issue ? Are you sure you have written and formatted a good CV ? Are you landing and interviews and not getting any jobs, and is there feedback, or no interviews at all ?

                Accepting a less appealing job that can teach transferrable skills isn’t a bad option too !

                Looking for a job is annoying and stressful but remember applying for jobs is a full-time job. For me personally i developed a routine of sitting in a coffee job everyday and applying.

                I managed to find jobs through networking in the past. But it was very arbitrary ( I didn’t attend events or something like this)

                Wish you all the best.

              • #8474 0 Likes | Like it

                  Hi Luiba,

                  Keep your chin up, lots of people go through this same issue.

                  For context – are you currently in work and also looking for new work? If not, I would recommend accepting the lower position and building up.

                  If so, it could be helpful to set some limitations on yourself. You could say you will send X amount of applications or wait X amount of months for the desired role and if you exceed those limits, accept the less desirable role. This will help you hold yourself to account.

                • #8493 0 Likes | Like it

                    Hi Liuba,

                    Every position you apply for has the potential to contribute to your long-term career plan, even if it doesn’t seem directly related to your ultimate goals. By creating a clear plan for yourself and understanding how each position fits within that wider plan, you can ensure that every opportunity you pursue appeals to your overall career progression.

                    For example, a role that requires strong communication and problem-solving skills can help you build a foundation for future leadership positions, even if it’s not directly related to your desired field. Similarly, a position that exposes you to new industries or technologies can broaden your perspective and make you a more versatile and adaptable professional in the long run.

                    By viewing each position through the lens of your larger career plan, you can find appeal in a wide range of opportunities. This mindset can also help you stay motivated and engaged in your job search, as you recognize that every application is a step forward in your professional journey, regardless of the immediate outcome.

                  • #8502 0 Likes | Like it

                      Hi Liuba,

                      Don’t get hung up on your dream position and immovable conditions. There are many people, myself included, who end up in different positions than they expected based on their education or studies. Many coveted positions are only available for a short period of time which cannot always be predicted. In reality, often you just have to be in the right place at the right time.

                      Having a job, even if it’s not your dream job, can take some of the pressure off your job search and help you build confidence for future applications. All roads lead to Rome.

                      Take care!

                    • #8506 0 Likes | Like it
                      Chloe Parford

                        Often taking a step backwards is what you need to propel yourself forward, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and can open the door to lots of opportunities.

                        It is also worth thinking about the role you want, and how it might take different forms at different business. Maybe expand your search a bit, you might find that you find a role you’re really interested in and very well suited to, just under a different name/title than expected.

                        Often getting into a business is the hardest part, but once you are a member of the team, it can be easier to move around and explore internal opportunities in the future.

                      • #8512 0 Likes | Like it

                          Hi Liuba,

                          Completely agree with the above comments. It can sometimes be a good option to take a position that you consider less appealing as a way to gain some experience in the first instance.

                          I would also recommend networking as much as possible – I actually found one of my previous roles through a LinkedIn connection in the industry that I wanted to be working in. Try not to get too hung up on the struggle to secure that specific role, and instead think about other ways of building your professional profile and making connections in the industry you want to work in, either through different roles or through networking.

                        • #8520 0 Likes | Like it

                            Hi Liuba,

                            I agree that experience is important and once you are in a role, you may have an opportunity to move up or apply for a more senior role elsewhere. As others have said, you can’t predict the future or know where a job will take you, but getting some UK work experience will always be a good thing.

                            Best of luck!

                          • #8610 0 Likes | Like it

                              I’ve been looking for a job for quite some time. Even looking for a position slightly below my qualifications. A lot of time passes from the time I send my CV to the time I hear back from the employer. And in the meantime, you need to pay for housing)

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