Three women sitting down smiling

Help refugees find meaningful employment

Breaking Barriers is a specialist employment charity, helping refugees to build new lives.

About us
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Refugees flee their homes in fear. From war, persecution, and violence. With yet more hardship waiting in the UK. 

A new country and language. Stigma and suspicion. Four times more likely to be unemployed. A completely different work culture to navigate. 

Often, refugees and people of refugee background are left to face these barriers alone. Together we can break them down, so every refugee will be welcomed into the workplace. 

Breaking Barriers is a specialist refugee employment charity. Enabling refugees to build new lives. Step by step.  

Our mission

We welcome refugees into meaningful employment with advice, experience and education. We believe in the power of responsible business to change society for the better through our innovative partnerships. 

Watch Mariam’s story

After arriving in the UK from Sudan, Mariam has gained the confidence to pursue her dream of becoming a fantasy makeup artist. Listen to her story and watch her work on a fantasy makeup look.

Watch Mariam’s story

Read Comfort’s story

In Nigeria, Comfort had her own successful business, but in the UK she had no idea how to find work. Now, with the right support, she’s secured a job working with autistic children - click the link to read Comfort’s story.

Read Comfort’s story

Our impact

We don’t just focus on outputs, but also on outcomes for the refugees we work with. How many enter into employment? How many achieve other career-related goals? What is the impact on their confidence and outlook?

Here’s a snippet of the impact we had in 2022/2023:

  • 1104

    refugees supported

  • 610

    education, employment and volunteering outcomes achieved

  • 256

    new jobs started

  • 90 %

    of clients reported improved confidence in achieving their goals

  • 9785

    hours of support delivered

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