Man and woman stand next to each other and smile at each other

IT and digital skills

Our courses can help you develop a range of skills that are important in employment and education in the UK.

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From budgeting to using social media, learn new skills and build your confidence so that you can excel in your job search, employment or education.

It was really helpful. I got a lot of pleasure from communication with my classmates and the teacher.


What to expect?

  • English level check
  • 6 or 8 week courses with weekly classes
  • Courses run in the evening
  • Online or face-to-face
  • Qualified teacher and teaching assistants
  • Inclusive learning environment

Our courses

IT and numeracy

This course is divided in three levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced and covers:

  • Using Microsoft Office
  • Using Google suite
  • Using Excel to create budgets
  • Internet safety

Digital skills

  • Conference calling
  • Online shopping
  • Using LinkedIn and other social media platforms
  • Job searching
  • Presentation skills

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If you're from a refugee background, or would like to refer someone from a refugee background, send us your details and our team will be happy to help you.

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