A young man in a green shirt sits in the audience and looks ahead

A young person wanting to start your career?

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If you are aged 18-25, we can help you to develop your aspirations and kickstart your career through training, education or employment.

What to expect:

  • CV and cover letter writing
  • Searching and applying to jobs
  • Explanation of how to get into university or college
  • Support completing university applications
  • Flexible appointments to fit around college or work schedules
  • Mentoring or life coaching opportunities
  • Invitations to workshops to build key skills

Breaking Barriers made my life so much easier, I am so impressed by the support I received. Lots of hard work went into getting a job, but Breaking Barriers literally broke the barriers that were preventing me from getting a job. They are bridging the gap to the UK job market, and they have been fantastic.


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If you're from a refugee background, or would like to refer someone from a refugee background, send us your details and our team will be happy to help you.

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