Blonde woman looks at laptop while men share a laptop at the table behind her

Want to go to college or university?

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People can continue studying at any age. We can support you to get into the course you want to reach your career goals.

What to expect:

  • Know how to go to college or university and what you need to do
  • Support searching for courses
  • Support applying for college or university
  • Support to search and apply for funding to cover the cost of courses

I was a little bit stressed when I went to my first appointment and wasn’t sure what to expect. However, after meeting and talking with my employment adviser and seeing how welcoming everyone was and how understanding they were of my problems, I could really believe that they would help me to build a future in the UK. They had ideas and practical solutions- from finding English courses to securing funding for vocational courses. Whenever I attended an appointment, I felt rehabilitated and on track to finding a worthwhile job and feeling a part of society.

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If you're from a refugee background, or would like to refer someone from a refugee background, send us your details and our team will be happy to help you.

More information

Narsina's story

How to turn a love of art into a career? Narsina is a pattern designer with ambitions to go to university.

Daryna's story

Daryna came to Breaking Barriers because she wanted to apply to study Game Design at university. She’s received several offers and will be studying a BSC in creative computing at Goldsmiths University.