Welcome to Business Behind Refugees

Thank you for joining our movement. We are so excited to work with you to support refugees access meaningful employment!

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A message from our CEO, Ciara

Ciara photo

Welcome to Business Behind Refugees!

I wanted to personally thank you for partnering with Breaking Barriers and joining our Business Behind Refugees movement. We know that employment is the single biggest factor in helping refugees integrate into new lives when they come to the UK, which is why we’re so delighted to have this movement of like-minded businesses. Thank you for stepping forward and uniting with us in your commitment to supporting refugees.

We believe by bringing our partners together we can increase our impact, and collectively learn, grow and take action, to achieve more for refugees in the UK.

I look forward to welcoming you to our next event and working with you over the coming months and years.

On behalf of the team at Breaking Barriers, thank you for your continued support.

Ciara, Breaking Barriers CE

A message from Hani, Chairman of International at BNY Mellon and our BBR chair:

I know first-hand the challenges faced by those looking to establish a new life of safety and belonging. Refugees are too often undervalued, underrepresented and overlooked. Yet, there is a huge amount of talent and potential waiting to be unlocked. I believe the private sector can, and must, play a role in helping refugees to find meaningful employment. We have an economic and moral responsibility.

But, this cannot wait and we cannot do it alone. Breaking Barriers and the business community is at the heart of the solution. By joining our Business Behind Refugee movement, you’ll connect with like-minded organisations and together we can improve the lives of refugees in the UK.

Hani Kablawi, Chairman of International at BNY Mellon

Calendar of Events

See below for our upcoming BBR events

London – Invitation only

Hosted by Ciara Devlin, CEO of Breaking Barriers, and Hani Kablawi, Head of International and Chairman of EMEA at BNY Mellon.

We’re bringing senior leaders together from across our Business Behind Refugees movement for an informative and inspiring morning, as we unite in our shared commitment to support refugees in the UK to rebuild their lives.

A forum hosted on our website where our clients or lived experience panel members ask a question of the UK workforce and partners can submit their responses as well as their own questions for refugees throughout the week.

We will share an engagement pack at the start of May through email and hosted on the portal as well as having the forum links emailed at the start of Refugee Week when it goes live.

The forum will be open to the general public and answers will be openly displayed for other people to read, helping to create the sense of a ‘movement’ or community.

We’d love for you to get involved!

Online and across partner offices

Refugee Week provides the best opportunity to celebrate the refugee community and enhance our impact together.

Collaborating with Breaking Barriers will not only help to transform the lives of people from a refugee background, but it also supports and strengthens your Corporate Social Responsibility.
In May, we will be sharing an engagement pack with all partners, full of ideas to raise awareness or funds to support refugees. Supporting Breaking Barriers over Refugee Week can:
•Unite your employees, clients and customers in a shared goal to make a difference for refugees
•Support social impact goals
•Improve employee understanding of people from a refugee background
•Foster an inclusive workplace culture
•Raise awareness of your refugee response

Watch this space!

Online – Invitation only

In celebration and recognition of World Refugee Day, Breaking Barriers are uniting our business community to recognise the immense value of the refugee community in the UK by hosting a webinar.

Full programme and speakers to be announced  

London – Invitation only

For key partnership contacts and senior leaders

London – Invitation only

For key partnership contacts, CSR and DEI professionals

An in-person networking event for our partners to come together and learn from direct experiences of supporting refugees into the UK job market via the three pillars of Business Behind Refugees: Hire, Educate and Support.

Business Behind Refugees assets

Asset Description Download button
Business Behind Refugees About the Business Behind Refugees movement Download
Employee engagement How employees can get involved with fundraising for refugees Download
Boilerplate messaging How to describe Breaking Barriers and the movement externally Download
Brand guidelines The set of rules that define the overall look and feel of Breaking Barriers Download
Logo Choose from a selection of different sized Breaking Barriers logos. Download
Template for internal intranet How to introduce our partnership to your teams Download

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