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TEST – Refugee employment forum

Take a minute to answer a question from a refugee or a business leader. It's quick, simple and could have a big impact.

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The value of connection and conversation can be life-changing. That’s why, to mark Refugee Week, we’re running a refugee employment forum.

Refugees and business leaders have submitted questions, and your answers will help bring about change.

For refugees, this means learning valuable insights from anyone who works in the UK. And for business leaders, it means learning from refugees to create more inclusive and refugee-friendly workplaces.

Anyone who is from a refugee background and/or who has UK work experience should be able to answer some of the questions. It doesn’t matter what you do, or the industry you work in – you will have something to offer.

How to take part:

  1. Pick one or more questions to answer and share your thoughts.
  2. You will need to create an account and verify your email address, but it’s quick and easy to do. If you have any issues, please contact us.
  3. Please note, we are moderating every comment, so your answer may not be visible immediately.
  4. The forum will close for comments on Sunday 23 June, but the conversations will remain available to view for the foreseeable future.
  5. There are two categories, which are shown under each question:
    • Questions for refugees 
    • Questions for people working in the UK 

Viewing 12 topics - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
Viewing 12 topics - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

Ask people with UK work experience a question

If you're from a refugee background and want to ask people with UK work experience a question, click the link below and scroll to the form at the bottom of the page.

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